Dunnebells Dunnebells

How to Live with a Long-Term Illness

Living with a long-term illness can be really challenging. We assure you there is light at the end of the tunnel. We have put together some advice to help you through this difficult time.

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Kelsi Dunne Kelsi Dunne

The healthiest thing for the holiday season

The holidays can be daunting for some, and this week we’re here to share our biggest tip on how to stay healthy during the holidays.

You might be surprised to find out that it doesn’t have anything to do with working out or eating vegetables!!!

Those things can help, but they’re definitely not necessary.

Connections - the bread and butter to a healthy holiday season!

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Dunnebells Dunnebells

How To Look After Your Future Today

The future can be scary to think about. When you hear news on the TV and see nothing but doom and gloom, it can be hard to think proactively about what’s to come. But when you turn this energy inwards and start thinking about your own personal path, you can be a lot more productive with this energy.

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Kelsi Dunne Kelsi Dunne

Butter makes me happy

Butter is one of those things that you either love out loud or quietly.

Over the last handful of years, we’ve been told that butter is gold, then that butter is the worst thing in the world, and now - I’m here, to tell you that butter is perfection.

Butter makes me so happy and my hope is that if you like butter, you either have some in your house right now, or you buy some the next time you’re at the store.

Butter is meant to be enjoyed. Please, partake.

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Kelsi Dunne Kelsi Dunne


We’re launching another challenge inside our Facebook community and you’re going to want to be a part of it - we just know it.

Why wouldn’t you want to plank your way through the next thirty days?

Join us as we work on our core and our stability!

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Dunnebells Dunnebells

How To Manage Pain After A Gruelling Workout

You might think putting a stop to your exercise routine is what you should do to manage pain after a gruelling workout but this is the opposite of what we recommend. Take a look at our 6 recommendations to manage pain after a gruelling workout

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Dunnebells Dunnebells

Getting Your Life Back on Track, 5 Tips How

Getting your life back on track in this busy society that we live in can feel scary and overhwelming. Check out our 5 tips to help you get your life back on track. Some of them will probablu surprise you!

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