Giving Yourself The Best Chance At Being Healthy

Are you giving yourself the best chance at being healthy? If not, then we recommend you make a few small changes to the way that you are living your life and reap the benefits! We know that it’s not exactly the most fun thing to do and sometimes it can be really difficult, especially at first, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not possible. In this blog, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the things that we recommend trying out to give yourself the best chance at being healthy. Keep reading down below if you would like to find out more about what these are.

Remain Consistent

The first thing that we’re going to recommend is that you remain consistent with the things that you’re doing. It’s no good eating really nutrient-dense foods for one week out of the month and then binging yourself on takeout every other day. This often means what you are doing, isn’t sustainable. So, we need to find ways can be consistent. Something you could keep doing, day in and day out. This is what helps us to be consistent. So perhaps you choose one meal to focus on being consistent with that meal instead of trying to meal prep every meal every week. The same can be said for exercise. Going to the gym once and then no longer making the effort to go is not going to help you in the long run. You have got to remain consistent in your approach, giving yourself what you need on a regular basis. So, perhaps simply showing up is where you start with exercise. No pressure on time, how many reps, how much weight you lift etc. just start by showing up and showing up consistently.

Hack to consistency: It might help you if you go on this health journey with a friend or a family member. That way you can both help yourselves stay motivated, ensuring that you end up seeing results as you have remained consistent in your approach.

Get Professional Advice

Next, a good idea would be to get some advice from a professional. A lot of the time we see people give up early because they aren’t even sure if what they are doing is the “right” way to get results. Ask someone who knows this stuff like the back of their hand and then you can guarantee that you are staying on the right path and focusing on the key aspects of your well-being. This is particularly important if there is a health issue that is already impacting your quality of life. With professional advice, you will understand how to get the relief that you require.

You can use a wide range of resources to get the information that you need here. This blog is a great place to start, and perhaps when you have a moment you check out ​​Dr. Matthew Kulka's blog or other similar websites for the information that is going to help you.

Alternatively, you could also consider speaking to a professional who specializes in specific aspects and elements of health. One example of this would be a dietician. A dietician can be useful if you are not sure that you are getting everything that you need in your diet or if you are struggling to lose weight. 

We recommend this approach if you are sick and tired of doing all of the research yourself. It can be really confusing to sort through the scientific advice around today and going straight to a professional can cut through all the noise.


Fitness goals are cool and all, but community allows us to find a sense of connection and belonging, and as humans’ this is what we are wired to do. When we find a community we increase our chances of being healthy. This is exactly why we have built a strong community of women at Dunnebells and you can join us on Facebook for FREE! When you are surrounded by like-minded individuals you are likely to keep showing up, to have support through your hard days and to want to stay consistent not just for you, but for your amazing community.


We hope that you have found this blog helpful, and now have a few ideas on what you can do to give yourself the best chance at being healthy. One of our favourite quotes here at Dunnebells is “You have two homes. Earth and your body. Take care of both”. This is why we believe it to be so important that you do what is in your power to make your health a priority. Small efforts add up to big results. We wish you the very best of luck and hope that you manage to make the changes you are looking to make. Trust yourself, you got this!




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