Here at Dunnebells, we know that a lot of our clients and women in our community THRIVE when we launch a challenge.

Let’s be honest - sometimes working out for half an hour, consistently throughout the week, can be too much for people at certain stages of their life. We all get busy and it’s not uncommon for it to feel really hard to stay on top of multiple things in your life all while trying to get/keep fit.

Working out doesn't have to be a part of your everyday life if it doesn’t fit into your everyday life.

However, every day (we believe anyway) you have at least two minutes that you can dedicate to yourself. A few minutes out of your whole day, for yourself. Think about that for a second. A few minutes is about the time it’s taken you to find this blog and get this far. Surely you deserve way more than a few minutes for yourself, but for the next month or so we’re only going to ask for a few moments a day to be carved out for you, and your health!

What do you say?

Coming soon (like, six days sort of soon) Dunnebells is launching what we’re going to be calling our November Plank Challenge.

Our November Plank Challenge will be starting on November 15 and will run until December 16. It's FREE for all Be The Fire Fitness Fam members.

What's the Be The Fire Fitness Fam, you ask?

It’s our FREE Facebook community of women all over the world who support and encourage each other as they live out their version of a happier, healthier life. With over 600 members, this group has been a vital part of Dunnebells for many years. Becoming a member is 100% free, and EASY. Simply CLICK HERE to go to Facebook and join our group.

Joining the group has its benefits for your everyday life, that's for sure. Our members are awesome, and the conversation is healthy, honest, and uplifting. On top of the general benefits of joining, your membership will allow you to participate in our upcoming November Plank Challenge.

Why would you want to do the November Plank Challenge, you ask?

Well…why not?

Working on your core, your stability, and your commitment to yourself is going to feel good. Plus, the more you do, the more points you’ll rack up, and the more points you rack up the better your chances are at winning some of the amazing prices that Dunnebells is giving away for FREE.

Did you know that Dunnebells has a FREE 7-Day-Trial to our signature 8-Week-Program?

We do, all day every day!

And, to make all of this a bit more amazing, we’re going to give away a FREE 8-Week-Program to one of our BTFFF members!!!!

Not only can you (maybe multiple of you) win a FREE 8-Week-Program, but there are tons of other prizes up for grabs that you’re not going to want to miss.

The best part of it all, aside from you dedicating a few moments a day for about a month to yourself, taking part in the November Plank Challenge is completely FREE. Yep, FREE!


We’ve literally said FREE more than ten times in the last minute, that's how much we love free things. 

Eleven times. Go us.

Anyways, come join our Facebook community and get ready to build your core, improve your stability, and impress yourself!

You may make some new friends too.

Or not, you may simply do some planks and win some prizes.

No matter what happens, we assure you it’s going to be awesome!

If you’d rather not join the community then you really don’t have to. You can go on your merry little way planking away all by yourself, that’s fine. We won’t judge. The goal here is to help women build consistent habits, and if you need to make that happen all on your own and not in our community than we are happy for you regardless.


We’d obviously love to see you, but if we don’t, know that we’re rooting for you anyway.



Butter makes me happy


Giving Yourself The Best Chance At Being Healthy