Getting Your Life Back on Track, 5 Tips How

Do you feel like you are constantly running in circles and not getting anything done? If so, you're not alone. Many people feel this way, especially with the busy lifestyle we lead today. It can be tough to get your life back on track, but it's definitely not impossible. This blog post will discuss five tips that we’ve tried and tested that may help you get your life organized and back on track - they’ve helped us, and we believe they could add value to you, too.

Obviously, for a second here, understand that your life isn’t actually off track. It can’t possibly be. It’s our belief that whatever it is that is happening in your life is (unless completely tragic and uncalled for) is probably happening for some reason or another.

“Getting your life back on track” is simply a good way of saying that there are likely things you want to change (if you’re anything like us) and you’re thinking that if you can change them, things will look and feel a lot better. Maybe you just want to get a bit more done without always feeling so rushed, and we get that. Possibly you’re feeling exhausted with all that is on your plate and you want to free up some of your physical and emotional capacity so that you can focus more on yourself and the things that are important to you. Chances are you feel extremely unorganized as well, and because being highly organized and successful is sold to us like hot-cakes, you think that you might be able to perfect organization of your life and that peace and fulfillment will come with that organization.

Whatever “getting your life back on track” looks like for you, the first thing before even attempting any of the things we’re going to talk about is to make sure that YOU (yes you) actually want this for yourself. You can’t be wanting all this because you think someone else will think more highly of you, or like you more. You have to want it for yourself for no other reason because - news flash - you’re the one going to be doing all the hard work.

Why you think that your life needs to change is totally relevant as well, but only to you. If someone else is telling you that you need to change your life, hold your head up high and kindly suggest that that person leaves you alone, okay?

Why do you want to get your life back on track?

What will it look like, and feel like, when your life is back on track?

What are you willing to do to get your life back on track?

What does it look like to get your life back on track?

We will share a few suggestions with you - but by all means, do not assume that we have all the answers. These are things that have worked for us, and for people who have worked with us in achieving more happiness and fulfillment in their lives. Take, with a grain of salt the things that resonate with you and leave the suggestions that don’t. And then, we know it’s annoying, but come up with a game plan of small achievable steps with suggestions we’ve made and things that ring true to you, for how you’re going to…you know…get your life back on track.

Our suggestions:

1) Wake up earlier:

This is definitely easier said than done, but it's so important. If you can wake up even 30 minutes earlier, it will give you time to get yourself organized for the day ahead. You can use this time to plan out your day, work on a project, or relax and enjoy peace and quiet.

I listened to a podcast earlier in the week that featured Tricia Hersey - the founder of The Nap Ministry. Her talk was lifechanging for me, but one of the points that I think resonates with the idea of waking up early is this:

You don't have to wake up early in order to get more done. Your whole day is FULL of moments where you’re trying to get things done and empty of moments where you’re actually resting, being present, and letting your mind fill with thoughts that are creative, personal and calm.

Maybe getting up a bit earlier for you can be about being awake with nothing to do - tapping into that side of yourself that you’ve forgotten existed. Before the rush of your day and your life starts, why not sit, rest, ponder, and daydream?

Why not give yourself the chance to exist without productivity”?

Tricia, in the episode of We Can Do Hard Things with Glennon Doyle (click here for the episode) dives into her beliefs on rest and how grind culture should be resisted if we tend to be overwhelmed by busy-ness.

Anyways, food for thought. We highly recommend checking out that episode.

Another reason to maybe wake up a bit earlier would to be to consume a healthy amount of nourishing food. Are you someone who skips breakfast? Who doesn’t have enough time to eat? Using your time more wisely might be about getting up a bit earlier and having a quick bite, packing a lunch for yourself (not just the kids) and making sure you’ve got access to clean drinking water all day.

In addition, waking up earlier will help you feel more prepared for the morning rush - decreasing your chance of getting stressed out before your day has even started.

Try it out, and remember, it will get easier as time goes on. If you’re worried about the whole idea, start small. Wake up ten minutes earlier for a few days, and then thirty minutes for a few more. Nothing needs to be done today, but a few small changes over time can make all the difference.

2) Set daily/weekly goals:

One of the best ways to stay on track is to set goals for yourself. Whether it's completing a project, working out three times during week, or reading ten pages of a book daily, setting goals can help you focus and stay on track.

Why you want to set these goals or accomplish these things, has to be personal to you. Remember to set goals that are achievable, and important. There is no need for you to set a bunch of lofty goals if you know your week is hectic and you have no free time. Setting yourself up for success is going to be important.

Some things you could try:

  • Every day, write down 3 things you want to accomplish

  • Create a vision board of things you want to achieve in the next month/year

  • Start a bullet journal and track your progress

  • Sit down with important people in your life (your partner, your family, your bestie) every Sunday and figure out what your week looks like. Make sure you write down all the things that are concrete - meetings, appointments, deadlines and what have you. Talk about things that must get done as well as things that you want to get done. We find that if we map out the week before the week happens, less things come as a surprise and we are better prepared to handle what comes our way.

3) Simplify your life:

Have you heard the saying KISS?

Keep it simple stupid. It’s a design principle that states that designs and/or systems should be as simple as possible. For our sake as humans, wherever possible, complexity should be avoided at all costs.

Here at Dunnebells, we work with so many women from all sorts of backgrounds. We work with people who have never lifted weights before in their life, as well as people who struggle with exercise addiction. When it comes to food, we’ve worked with women who have great relationships with food and we have worked with women who have all sorts of addictions to food - whether that be they are addicted to food, or the idea that they can’t eat food without having earned it. We have also worked with a number of people who have struggled with addiction outside of exercise and food, many of those who are alcoholics. We know that for those just coming out of alcohol rehab, it's important to keep things simple.

It’s simple for all of our clients to keep things simple - not trying to take on too much all at once.

Life is no walk in the park. Accomplishing the things you want to accomplish takes time - so do just that, take your time.

Start with small goals and work your way up. Once you have a few things under your belt, you can start adding more to your plate. If you’re happy with the small successes and don’t want to accomplish huge things in your life - guess what? Thats okay too.

Goal setting is great for getting your life on track because its extremely personal to you. Whatever you want, you can work for, in whatever ways make sense for you.

And, the more you accomplish (small, or large) the happier and more satisfied you’ll feel.

Start small:

  • Focus on your goals first and foremost and try to keep them simple

  • Make time for yourself every day, even if it's just 10 minutes

  • Find a support group or meet up with friends who are also going through similar things

  • Reward yourself in a way that lights you up. When you achieve small things, high-five yourself - or buy yourself a coffee…whatever works for you. Don’t do all this hard work and not reward yourself.

4) Get rid of things that don't serve you:

One of the best ways to declutter your life and get back on track is to get rid of things that don't serve you. This could be material possessions, toxic relationships, bad habits, etc.

If there's something in your life that isn't making you happy, get rid of it!

Some things you could consider getting rid of:

  • Old clothes that you never wear

  • Shoes that are uncomfortable, but you keep them because they're "cute."

  • Makeup that is expired or you never use

  • Presents someone has given you that you don’t actually like but you hold on to them because you think its the right thing to do

  • Accounts on social media that you follow that annoy you, or send you terrible messaging

  • Toxic relationships (family, friends, co-workers, etc.)

  • Bad habits (smoking, procrastination, negative self-talk, etc.)

5) Seek professional help:

If you feel like you're really struggling to get your life back on track, don't be afraid to seek professional help. There's no shame in admitting that you need help and that so many resources are available.

Guess what? Even if you don’t feel like your’re struggling - therapy is cool.

Talking to someone about your life is one of the best things you can do for yourself and its actually sort of smart not to wait until something tragic or unexpected happens.

Therapy is cool.

You’re not to good for it and we promise no one will judge you if you go. Actually, we can’t promise that - there are some real judgemental and crappy people in the world - but no one that truly matters to you will judge you.

Some things to keep in mind:

  • It's okay not to be okay

  • You don't have to go through this alone

  • There are people who care and want to help you

In conclusion, these five tips will help you get your life back on track - whatever that means to you.

Just remember to take things one day at a time and be patient with yourself. You got this!

One other thing that we think is worth mentioning is that having people in your life that are GOOD FOR YOU, is good for you. Maybe you love your friends, but if they aren’t adding value to you and holding space for you, maybe its time to start trying to find friends that are good for you at this stage in your life. Surrounding yourself with people that actually make you feel like a better person is important. You shouldn’t walk away from time with someone and feel worse, or more tired.

If that’s happening, let’s chat. Currently, we’re on a path of making friends as an adult, and it’s HARD. Really hard. However, we know how important it is and how beneficial it will be - so we’re doing it.

You can too, and you should, if it’s important to you.

At Dunnebells, we know life can be really intense. That is why we focus on strength training and nutrition coaching and know that without working on your mindset these things simply won’t work.

Life is a whole picture sort of thing. Sure you can have your health, but without good nutrition, good sleep, and happiness in your life in other areas - it’s possible you’re missing something.

Figuring your life out and getting your life back on track starts with small parts of multiple areas of your life. You can’t do it all, but you can do a little bit here and there, over time, and results will come.

We can help you get your life back on track, just as we have helped thousands of others do. Check out our program options today.


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