Common Injuries You Need To Watch Out For When Exercising

Although exercise is of course good for you, it’s important that you are looking after your body as you start or continue your exercise routine. One of the things you need to remember is that if you are doing too much, not stretching (before and after), performing techniques incorrectly, going too heavy with the weights plus a number of other factors, you can suffer from an injury from exercise. In this blog, we are going to take a look at some of the most common of these injuries. Our recommendation obviously is to try your best to avoid these, so you can look after your body while exercising and workout out.

Pulled Muscle

This one is probably so common mostly because there are so many muscles in the body that you might be able to pull when you are working out. It might be a leg or an arm, or really anything in between. The main thing you can do to avoid this kind of injury is just to take it a little easier and not push too hard or too fast. If you can do that, it’s going to mean that you are much less likely to have a pulled muscle. Another way to help prevent pulled muscles is to ensure you are getting through a proper warm-up and always cool down! A little bit goes a long way. Not sure what to do for a warm-up or cool-down? Try this 10-minute full body stretch video that I made just for you!

Ankle Sprain

Spraining your ankle can happen all too easily, even if you are experienced with exercise and you run all the time. One way to make it less likely to occur is to make sure that you are warming up before working out, but even then it’s one of those things that can just happen, especially if you happen to catch your foot at the wrong angle at the wrong time. If you do this, you might then need to seek out the help of a professional podiatrist, who might be able to help you to restore your ankle soon enough. As someone who has sprained their ankle multiple times, I also find wearing an ankle brace when participating in sport to be super helpful!

Back Strain

This one is so common primarily because in a lot of exercises we are asking those back muscles to go to work for us. A weak core can also contribute to a back strain injury. Some of us will know the feeling, you bend over to pick up the weights and POP, you moved too suddenly or a little bit in the wrong direction and your back feels like it is out of place. It is very painful and not something to take lightly! Keeping the weights at a level that feels comfortable can be one of the best ways to avoid adding extra strain on the back that can lead to injury. In addition, focusing on form/technique and slowing things down can help with this too!

Torn Muscles

Different from a pulled muscle, because here you have caused considerably more damage to your muscle, and it is going to take a lot longer to recover. In general, the best thing you can do for a torn muscle is to rest it! Allow adequate time to recover. If you can do that, you should be able to repair the muscle and continue your exercise routine. Similar to the advice around pulled muscles, warming up and cooling down is crucial to prevent this.

Regardless of your goals, staying injury free is so important.

These days, you have so many options when it comes to which online personal training program to do and we can certainly help you crush those goals while staying free from injury.

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