3 Easy-To-Dismiss Vegan Misconceptions

Veganism is arguably one of the greatest diets on and for the planet, especially in terms of its reduced emissions and complete rejection of (often unethical) animal agriculture. However, so many misconceptions exist due to overwhelming amounts of information, a lot of which is incorrect.

If you choose not to be vegan, that’s absolutely your choice and you’ve got to do what makes you happy. In our household, we eat 80% vegetarian, because this is what makes us happy. It’s important to pay attention to what you prefer when it comes to taste, what you have available, what is affordable to you etc.

This is where common appreciation and the growth of knowledge can develop. So, let’s discuss what vegan misconceptions still exist, and what the facts may actually be.

Misconception #1 - Vegan Food Is Boring

Vegan food is not “rabbit food,” there are loads of wonderful recipes and meals that are completely vegan.

Certain staple foods retain their viability under veganism. For example, you can get the best pizza dough recipe here, which is delicious and still totally vegan, crafting a base for the indulgence we all love. It’s very easy to think of a vegan sitting over an avocado salad, but they’re just as likely to be enjoying a delicious, pizza-oven-fired pie.

Being vegan doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice the staple you adore, nor does it limit you as a home cook. Just don’t add meat or animal products like cheeses (don’t worry, vegan substitutes exist), and you’re golden!

You can also substitute certain foods, like replacing spaghetti with zucchini noodles (or courgetti), and making pad-thai meals using delicious golden-browned tofu. 

Vegan food is delicious, and arguably one of the dietary types receiving constant investment in new and enjoyable food products, now that many companies are trying to accommodate those who choose this path.

Misconception #2 - Vegans Need To Supplement Endlessly To Keep On The Diet

While a healthy and balanced diet can be aided with supplementation, vegans are rarely tied to taking pills in order to fulfil the nutritional ‘lapse’ in their diet. It’s perfectly healthy to eat a great diversity of foods and get everything you need as a vegan.

Some do choose to supplement iron or vitamin B12 in order to make it easier for them to not eat meat, but outside of some very basic multivitamin constituents like this, vegans are consuming food so packed with nutrition that supplements aren’t required.

Misconception #3 - Vegan Food Isn’t As Healthy As It’s Made Out To Be

This can be true, but it’s often on a case-by-case basis, so much so that making a blanket statement like this is just wrong. Just like a conventional diet, certain foods that might market themselves as healthy can be filled with refined sugar or “bad” oils, which is always why it’s good to check the label to make sure you understand what you’re putting into your body. However, no vegans assume the diet they eat is automatically healthy simply because it’s plant-based; just as those on a conventional diet, vegans exercise wisdom to make sure good choices are made when it comes to nutrient-dense snacks and meals. If anything, vegans are more primed for identifying false claims and eschewing poorly crafted products from their diet given how much thought they have to put into this new dietary approach.

With this advice, we hope you can come to a new understanding of veganism, and maybe even try it yourself, if only just for fun.


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