How To Build A Healthier Relationship With Food

Trigger warning. If you feel you have an unhealthy relationship with food and/or your body please proceed with caution.

The truth is that more of us than you would think actually have a fairly unhealthy relationship (and attitude to) food. While food is a biological necessity to survive, it’s become so much more than that for us; what we eat and how we eat have a big impact on our lives in a range of ways. That’s why building a healthy relationship with food and eating is so important.

If you’re someone who feels like perhaps their relationship with food isn’t a healthy one, then you might be wondering what steps you can take to make some changes and begin creating habits that are healthier and allow you to build healthier relationships with food and nutrition.

As this is a fairly complex issue, we are going to do our best to provide some simple steps you can take to begin creating a healthier relationship (and attitude to) food. Let’s dig in. 

Understand what a healthy relationship with food looks like

If you’re going to be able to change your relationship with food, it’s important to understand what a healthy relationship would actually look like. That in itself may be a really confusing questions, after working with 1000’s of women here is what we know. For most people, a healthy relationship with food is simply eating what you want, when you want, and not feeling any guilt associated with eating. 

However, it’s also being mindful about what food you’re intaking and how many calories your body needs to remain healthy and nourished. It’s not about constantly calorie counting or denying yourself foods that you enjoy, it’s about eating mindfully and ensuring that you’re consuming a good amount of food, not too much and not too little, just a healthy amount that leaves you feeling content, satisfied and full. 

Start cooking from scratch (as and when you can) 

A great way to begin to reshape the relationship that you have with food is to cook from scratch when you feel like it. By cooking from scratch, you have the chance to gain a stronger insight into what goes into your meals and how each food is prepared. Instead of buying everything ready-made, like your favourite chili con queso dip, consider finding recipes to make some of your favourite foods yourself. This can take time and it can definitely be uncomfortable in the beginning, so start small and simple and then build on your skills. You got this!

Source some professional help 

If you feel like your relationship with food is really unhealthy and you feel like you’re going to struggle to make changes on your own, it might be worth taking the time to source a therapist or a psychologist to speak to about how you’re feeling. Sometimes, speaking to a professional, who understands how you’re feeling and what you’re going through, can help to make the process of managing your feelings about food and building a healthier relationship with food easier.  It isn’t “weak” to ask for help. In our opinion, it is one of the strongest things you could do for yourself and your health.

There you have it, a short guide to how you can start to build a healthier relationship with food. Hopefully, the above tips and ideas have given you a basis to begin making changes to your attitude and approach to food and nutrition. If you need some assistance consider checking out our 8-week program. Helping you crush your fitness and nutrition goals while living your best life!


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