Kelsi Dunne Kelsi Dunne


You can spend hours on the internet looking for answers for pretty much anything and habit building is no different.

These simply are what we believe would be SIX STEPS you could follow in order to build a new habit. We’ve spent some time doing all the reading of different people’s opinions and over time, come up with what sounds the best (and most approachable) for us.

Hopefully, these help you as you tackle the next thing you’re hoping to bring into your life.

Remember, habits aren’t meant to be easy. Please don’t assume that once you’ve built the habit that it's just going to flow freely into your life without thought. You might still have to THINK about doing it and convince yourself to do it, and that's OK.

You’ve got this. We believe in you.

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Kelsi Dunne Kelsi Dunne


One step at a time, we want to shine a light on the parts of ourselves that are amazing. We want to help others see themselves in a new light. Hopefully, this April (and in months and years to follow) we will allow women to feel safe enough to bring their true selves to the table.

Our MENTAL HEALTH CHALLENGE has been designed with busy people in mind. No one is sitting around these days just wondering what to do with all their free time - hoping that their trainer develops a mental health challenge. That's simply not the case. We’re all busy, in some way or another, and that's why we’re excited to launch this challenge.

It all starts with believing that you’re worthy and giving yourself the space to be worthy.

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Kelsi Dunne Kelsi Dunne


Turns out, Dunnebells doesn’t always have to be about health and wellness - we can be about life too (and all sorts of other things). Right now, our life is learning and adapting with our new deaf dog - and we’re excited to share all of it with you - our people.

This is not the full story - there are parts that I’ve likely forgotten and parts that I want to keep to share in the future. So far, this is just our experience and I feel grateful you’ve made it this far in wanting to hear about it.

Daisy Jude, your mummy’s love you.

You’re perfect, and we can’t stop talking about how lucky we feel to have been given a chance with you. Thank you for choosing us.

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Kelsi Dunne Kelsi Dunne

Why Build a habit, anyway?

Do you feel like you want to introduce a new habit and see how it goes?


Do you feel like you’re finally ready to kick your seemingly pathetic habit to the curb for the last time?


When it comes to habit building for me (or let’s just entertain the idea of breaking habits, too) I think it’s fair that before you do ANYTHING, maybe you could identify WHY you want to either make or break that specific habit.

What will change in your life if you do?

What won’t change (so much that it’s detrimental) if you don’t?

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Kelsi Dunne Kelsi Dunne

international women’s day

To keep it light and full of fun today, I want to highlight a handful of women who I truly believe need to be highlighted. Not because they’re better than you or I, instead simply because they are women out in the world doing incredible things that I want to shine some light on.

I want to acknowledge that there are a ton of different ways to be a woman. I acknowledge that maybe not everyone feels a sense of safety in their life to be who they truly are. There are trans women all over the world who are currently not receiving the love and recognition that we believe they deserve. There are femme women and masculine-presenting women. There are women who are proud to be women, and there are women who are scared to be themselves. There are women in the workplace who are too afraid to speak up, and women in our households that have no courage to use their voices. Women who spend countless hours trying to hide who they are, as well as women who are shouting from the rooftops that they are happy with their identities. Women are amazing, and undeniably, we are all very very different.

You are welcome here - as you are. We will forever celebrate you - just as you are.

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Kelsi Dunne Kelsi Dunne

Loving yourself through the things that are hard for you (even if they aren’t hard for anyone else)

I think that we’re all a bit caught up in being a bit better than we are. This is not to say that you’re not amazing - you are. But, I do believe that we all likely hold ourselves to standards that are a bit beyond our actual capabilities - or desires for ourselves. Do we want to be holding ourselves to these standards? Do we really want to have zero grace when it comes to our own lives? Are we secretly longing to be a little more gentle with ourselves? Where does this overly high expectation of the self come from?

When things are tough (for you because let's be honest, your hard doesn’t have to be hard for anyone else - this is YOUR LIFE), your job should be to make sure you are okay. safe, and gentle with yourself.

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Kelsi Dunne Kelsi Dunne

Low intensity exercises that can reduce inflammation

Acute inflammation is a necessary and really amazing thing that our body does for us. However, chronic inflammation is the complete opposite, and it’s something that none of us should ever want to find ourselves dealing with!

The good news is that we don’t have to spend hours at the gym or spend thousands of dollars on a nutritionist and completely flip our lives upside down to reduce our risk of chronic inflammation. All we need (should need, anyway) is a bit of moderate exercise, some antiinflammatory foods, and fewer foods that are known to increase inflammation.

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Kelsi Dunne Kelsi Dunne

cortisol - what is it, and how can we keep our levels in the safe zone?

Everyone produces cortisol, and there are times in our day when some of us may experience higher levels than usual. Our body releases cortisol as a natural response to threat, harm, or danger and for that, we should be very grateful. Cortisol is your body’s main stress hormone that is produced in your adrenal glands. Hand in hand, with your brain, it works to regulate your mood, your motivation, and your fear. It plays a major role in regulating your blood pressure, it increases your blood sugar, has its hand in your sleep cycle, has a major part in your fight or flight response, and it ALSO (yes, also…this little hormone is busy) manages how your body uses carbohydrates, protein, and fats. Keeping your cortisol at a healthy level is an important thing for you to do.

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Kelsi Dunne Kelsi Dunne

To workout while on your period, or not?

Science proves that you should continue on with your exercises even when you’re bleeding (menstruating) and Dunnebells is aware that we all KNOW this to be true - it IS pretty common knowledge.

However, we also know that women on their periods want to be heard, they want to be right, and they want to feel like they’re making their own decisions. So, if that means NOT working out because ‘you just don’t want to’ or because ‘your boobs are so huge that the last thing you would want to do is shove them in that ridiculous sports bra that you’ve had for twelve years’ - then good, don’t work out!

The key thing is knowing what your limits are.

Join us as we dive into all the reasons why you should work out while on your period, as well as why maybe taking a step back and giving space to the reasons why you shouldn’t, too.

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Kelsi Dunne Kelsi Dunne

Six foods that can help in the aid of balancing your hormones

I think it’s safe to say that balancing your hormones should be a goal for everyone. How you do that, and when you do that is going to be up to you - but I do highly suggest putting some thought into it sooner rather than later. Balancing your hormones will help you feel energized, have better sleep, and will lower your mood swings (which, if we are being honest - we all have). Having balanced hormones for you could mean improved cardiovascular, neurological, and bone health, as well as help with memory, focus, sex drive, hair, and skin.

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Kelsi Dunne Kelsi Dunne

six healthy options for the first meal of your day

We’re not here to convince you that you should eat breakfast every day, or that breakfast is going to be the one thing that changes your life. We simply want to make note of some IDEAS that you can utilize in the mornings (ie, breakfast) that *could* be a healthy option for you if you’re keen to jump on the breakfast bandwagon.

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Kelsi Dunne Kelsi Dunne

six ways to take care of yourself

Blue Monday has just come and gone and whether or not you believe in the concept, what we can not deny is the fact that every day there are people struggling with depression, and we shouldn’t take it lightly. Here are six ways to take care of yourself, every day.

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Dunnebells Dunnebells

Six ways to up your leftover game

Not sure what to do with all those leftovers in your fridge? We’ve got you. It’s time to UP your Leftover Game with these six easy steps.

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