simple Beauty Tips For Busy Women 

Okay let’s first start by saying we are not experts when it comes to a beauty routine but we do know the morning scramble to try and get ready for all the responsibilities that he day brings! A busy schedule is something most women can identify with. It can be challenging to find the time to do basic self-care, such as applying moisturizer and applying a little makeup, let alone going to the beauty salon for monthly maintenance if you lead a busy lifestyle. Therefore, it is very difficult, if not impossible, to take the time to sit in front of a mirror and perform a basic skincare regimen and apply some things in order to improve how you feel about yourself which in turn improves your mood.


Fortunately, there are numerous "beauty hacks" that can simplify your morning routine and save you time. Women who are always on the go can benefit from the advice below.

beauty advice for women

Plan It All In Advance

One of the best ways for busy women to save time and still look good is to plan everything out ahead of time. We spend the most time in the morning choosing what to wear, how to do our hair and makeup, and other things like that. Imagine if you took just ten minutes the night before to plan out everything. You could save time in the morning by not having to plan things out in a rush. The better you plan ahead, the better and more organized the next day will be.

Make Your Eyes Look Great 

For many women, it’s their eyes that tell the story of whether they had enough time to do whatever it was they wanted to do in terms of cosmetics and self-care. Therefore, it makes sense to learn some useful tips to ensure your eyes always look how you want them to look.


To begin with, you might find you often have puffy eyes in the morning. This can be due to a lack of sleep, for example. One quick way to deal with this issue is to place a cool spoon over your closed eyes. After five minutes, the puffiness will have gone down because the swollen eye muscles will have been soothed. You can also use ice or a cucumber slice to achieve the same effect, but if you’re in a rush, a spoon is usually more convenient. 


We know this one has been a game changer for people so if you have been considering it, you could also invest in specific cosmetics for the eyes, such as something that will lift eye lids. Plus, by learning the best ways to do your eye makeup, you can change your whole appearance quickly and successfully. 


Try Dry Shampoo

Applying dry shampoo is a good option if you wake up late and don't have time to wash your hair before work. Using dry shampoo, you can have great-looking hair in just a few minutes. To use dry shampoo, simply apply it to your roots and work it through your hair. Your hair will have more volume and shine as a result.


This kind of shampoo shouldn’t be used as a permanent replacement for standard wet shampoo, however, and you shouldn’t use it too often as it can really dry out your hair. However, when you’re in a fix and need something quick, it can be exactly the right solution. 


Use Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is another skincare holy grail that devotees always have on hand. Used as directed, it effectively strips the skin of any lingering traces of makeup or other cosmetics, leaving it fresh and clean. To use, simply soak a cotton pad in coconut oil and apply it to the face, taking care around the eyes. 


After a long, busy day, you may not feel like removing your makeup, but doing so is necessary to keep your pores clear. When you have coconut oil nearby, the job because so much quicker and easier, and therefore you’re more likely to do it and save your skin. 


Use Multipurpose Products 

When you’re in a rush, having a lot of different cosmetic products to use can be a problem. Choosing the right ones can be difficult – and therefore take time – plus, you need to find them all and use them properly. 


This is why a lot of women prefer multipurpose items. The convenience of their portability and manageability makes them ideal for the hectic daily routines of today's busy women. Lipsticks can be used as a base for your eyeshadow, lip tints as blush, lip gloss as a highlighter, and concealer creams can be used in place of foundation. What's even better? The compact design means less bulk in your cosmetics bag so you can carry them with you and touch them up through the day as you need to. 

We hope these small pieces of advice have helped. As we said, we aren’t experts but we wanted to provide some simple beauty tips for busy women because we know, if we look good we feel good!

Happy morning routines everyone!


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