Things You Can Do To Keep Your Motivation High While Working On Your Fitness Goals

Getting fit is never a bad idea- it’s always beneficial to work on leading a healthier lifestyle. However, starting your journey or continuing down the path can be intimidating. Keeping up motivation throughout this process, especially during plateaus and other setbacks, is essential for achieving success. To help make sure you stay motivated along the way, here are five creative tips that will give you more confidence as you pursue fitness success. 

#1. Set A New Goal

If you are someone who enjoys goal setting, goals are a necessary piece of the puzzle for any fitness journey, and if you don’t have goals in place, your motivation can suffer. But what do you do when you finally reach that goal? The answer is simple- set another one! It could be anything from running further or faster than before, increasing weights with each workout session, or even taking part in an upcoming event such as a fitness competition. Having something new to strive towards will keep your focus sharp while simultaneously providing purpose during your fitness journey. If you feel like setting goals in the past hasn’t worked, we recommend setting SMALLER goals to start. If the goal is too big and we keep missing the mark, this can do the opposite. Start with something that can be achieved in 5 minutes per day and then when you achieve this goal consistently, increase it.

#2. Find A Workout BuddY

Sometimes working out alone can be challenging, and it can be easy to skip sessions or slack off. Finding a workout buddy will not only give you someone to commiserate with but also provide that extra push of motivation. Whether it’s a friend, family member, or personal trainer, having someone there to motivate you will help you stay committed to your fitness goals.

#3. Try A New DieT

To invigorate your enthusiasm and add some variety again, why not try out an alternative diet such as vegetarian, vegan or paleo? Not only will you be able to enjoy distinct flavours and nutrients with each type of diet, but these options could also help shatter any roadblocks on the way to achieving top-notch fitness levels! However, if you don’t want to start with a completely new diet, you can also just try some new dishes like oven baked pork chops instead of grilled chicken. When it comes to diets, the most important thing is that it is something you enjoy, and it is sustainable for the rest of your life. We have had lots of clients at Dunnebells switch to vegetarian and enjoy food so much more. We have had some clients make the switch and realize it doesn’t work for them. Experiment with new diets and don’t be afraid to find what truly works for you.

#4. Change Up Your Workout Routine

Doing the same routine day after day can get tedious and dull, and it can also prevent you from making progress. One way to keep things exciting is by changing your workout routine. Trying different exercises, equipment, or classes will keep things interesting and help you avoid boredom.

#5. Recognize And Reward Progress

It can be easy to become stagnant and overlook all of your accomplishments. Taking a moment out of each day to appreciate your progress is an excellent way to stay motivated. Whether it’s buying yourself some new activewear or enjoying one of your favourite healthy snacks, celebrating small milestones will give you that extra push you need to keep going!

It’s not always simple to stay motivated when striving for fitness success, but you can do it! Give a new diet plan or goal a shot, find an exercise partner, switch up your routine and give yourself credit where due. Keep a positive attitude throughout the process and be patient- one day at a time will take you there in the end.


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