The Benefits of Learning to Cook

For some people, learning to cook is less about understanding the art of cooking and more about survival. For others, cooking is a pleasure. Creating dishes that taste amazing, being able to show off to your friends that you can create something from ingredients, even just being able to understand what cooking can mean for you and your family, there are plenty of reasons that you should be learning to cook, and we don’t mean you have to become a professional! 

There are so many advantages to learning to cook, the most popular is that you can cook nutritious and delicious dishes so that everybody is able to eat healthy and tasty food. There is a lot of pride that should be taken in knowing how to cook. You could learn how to make daquois at and really dive deep into what it means to learn to cook, if you want to keep it simple though, the choice is yours. With this in mind, we've put together a few reasons why you should learn to cook in the first place. Let's take a look below.


You're going to improve your health as usually you’ll be cooking with ingredients as close to their natural state and this avoids heavily processed foods that your body doesn’t always love to consume. Eventually, you will learn about the contents of your food and start to create dishes that help you to be more informed about your health and your nutrition. For example, if you don't learn to cook you might spend more time than expected in a cycle of ordering takeaway rather than enjoying what you're actually creating at home. Cooking improves your overall health simply by the variety of vitamins, minerals and nutrients you are getting from the ingredients. By learning to cook, you are controlling your calorie intake, and your protein intake, and you are able to finally determine what foods you truly do or do not like. Vegetables can be far more exciting when you're cooking them for yourself rather than having your parents force you to eat them.


You get to choose the ingredients. When you choose to learn to cook, you get to choose healthy and wholesome ingredients that everybody in your family is going to benefit from. Knowing that you are doing better things for your health is going to keep you in the kitchen cooking up a storm. Those who eat homemade food typically consume a variety of fruits and vegetables and overall fewer calories than those who purchase ready made food or eat a lot of takeaway.

3. creates connection

Cooking can bring you closer to the people around you. If you have children and learn to cook at home, you can teach your children how to do it and pass down valuable life skills. Not only will this give you time together one on one, but you are able to impart some kind of wisdom to your kids knowing that you are sending them out into the world with an understanding how cooking is going to fuel them in a positive way.


We know the price of produce is increasing and it can be harder to eat nutrient-dense foods on a budget but by making a plan, grabbing the produce at your local market and cooking everything instead of contributing to food waste, in the long-run you will save so much money. It is easy to order food with the few clicks of a mouse or taps of your finger, but by learning how to cook you can play around with the quantities of meals you make to give you lunch the next day or leftovers in your freezer making things much more cost-effective.

Now, to be perfectly clear, we aren’t saying never order food again. Everything in moderation, including moderation. By learning to cook you equip yourself with the power to make decisions and that will go a long way when it comes to your health, and your wallet.

Looking for some ideas of what to cook? Easy and simple recipes that you and the whole family can enjoy?

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