Working with a female personal trainer to achieve an incredible body transformation || Dunnebells

8-weeks ago Liz Strong (her name is so on point for this) embarked on a fitness journey with Dunnebells, ready to push her limits.

For this 8-week body transformation program challenge, Liz had a few important goals that she was hoping to achieve.

“Over the last year I've gained 20 lbs and I've had to buy some new clothes so that shirts aren't super tight. I'd love to be able to get rid of the weight around my stomach so that I can actually fit into the clothes I have without them looking too small.”

Liz was drawn to this 8-week online personal training program because she lives in San Antonio, Texas but enjoyed the fact she could work with Dunnebells remotely through an app! As an Entrepreneur, it can be so hard (and expensive) to stay on track with personal training programs and that was another reason this 8-week body transformation program appealed to Liz.


Liz Strong’s Dunnebells 8-week weight loss program story - @luxandvitadsn


Leaning into the Dunnebells community especially at the beginning is something Liz decided to do and this helped her to feel like she was connected to other like-minded women. The community inside the 8-week challenge program is one of the best parts and makes it so different from everything else that is out there.

One of Liz’s first wins that she celebrated:

“So a day late but it's been a busy week for me — so far I'm loving the entire program, it's definitely kicking my butt (which I desperately needed to happen). Travelling this week makes things harder for tracking macros and working out, but on my first day of travelling, we walked 7.1 miles and walked like 6 flights of stairs. So I got some workouts in and our Airbnb is all stairs (4 flights in a split level condo) so I'm getting some movement but definitely not going to stop my roll. I am starting to see results and I'm more aware of what I eat so that has been awesome too.”


This 8 week weight loss program success story goes so much deeper than what you see here. Liz has completely transformed her face and this is very common when weight is shed. Hidden cheek-bones start to emerge, double chins disappear and blemishes caused by poor diet choices are replaced with a healthy glow.

Here is what Liz had to share with the group about her weight loss in her face:



This Dunnebells 8-week program working with a female personal trainer in Calgary was created to help individuals like Liz who are ready to make a massive change to their habits and transform their bodies. Working with a female personal trainer who has had her own weight loss means that this isn’t about getting a quick fix or following another fad diet. This is about creating a life you love and saying “yes” to all the foods you enjoy while still making progress daily towards your health and wellness goals.


As a female personal trainer in Calgary, I love working with women who have a deep “why” as Liz has:

“I want to be able to physically keep up with my husband, he's highly active and I want to be able to keep up with that lifestyle. I want to be able to actually do things like hiking, biking, etc. without losing my breath and falling behind. I'm also currently struggling with my self-image. I know that I'm not fat, but I feel it. I feel it when I sit and I have rolls that I didn't use to have. I feel it in the shirts that used to fit and I see it in photos. I want to be able to feel good in my own skin 100% of the time, whereas right now I feel it maybe 50-60% of the time.”



Thank you so much for allowing us to share your 8 Week Body Transformation Program story, Liz! I am over the moon that Dunnebells has become a part of your lifestyle and you are loving all of the workouts and feel supported by a community of women around the world.

If you have a transformation you would like to share with me, please email it to me.

Secure your spot now for the 8-week online personal transformation program.


6 lessons I learned during my 8 Week Body transformation Program || Dunnebells


Custom collaboration with a talented local artist for brand new Dunnebells apparel