6 reasons to consider hiring a weight-loss coach || Dunnebells

People are thinking more about losing weight these days more than ever before. The smart people, in my opinion, realize the importance of hiring a weight-loss coach to help them achieve their goals. I speak from experience. I lost 65 lbs and trying to do it by myself, was a lonely frustrating journal. There isn’t just one reason that hiring a professional fitness and nutrition coach can help you lose weight. This article is going to help you understand the six main reasons as to why you need to consider hiring a weight-loss coach to get lean and mean body.

Below are not only the things that I as a weight-loss coach and online personal trainer can help with but if you notice yourself saying or feeling any of the below topics, any good weight-loss coach will be able to assist you with.


1. You can’t stop eating, no matter which diet you are on

Isn't it so confusing to search Google and Pinterest to try and figure out the reason behind why you are eating a particular food item even though you promised yourself you wouldn’t? It is very difficult to control emotional eating. Do you find yourself eating when you are bored? Join the club, I know that feeling! If you are not able to control your eating habits, this is where a weight-loss fitness and nutrition coach will be able to help. Most commonly, when we aren’t fueling ourselves properly, our body craves certain foods and it can become nearly impossible to stop eating.

2. You find yourself saying “I’ll start tomorrow”

The thing that we do differently at Dunnebells is we change the way you start thinking of losing weight Since I have tried all the diets out there (Keto, Jenny Craig, Weight watchers etc.) and could never stick to them, I know the feeling of not being consistent and always “starting tomorrow”. There are constant excuses and postponing events for almost everything. It is like your 'start date' never really arrives right? Stop telling yourself you will start tomorrow. Start with what you’ve got, start slow, and focus on being consistent. Example: Increase your water, get 1-hour more sleep and eat a new vegetable each day.

3. You aren’t seeing any weight-loss results, even though you are putting in your best efforts

Are you trying your best but are not able to see any positive results out of weight loss programs? This is when in my opinion hiring a fitness and nutrition coach can be so beneficial! Are you wondering what you are doing wrong? Your online personal fitness coach has the experience, your coach is certified, your coach knows what you need to do to get the best results from your efforts so don’t slow yourself down by avoiding hiring an expert. Online personal trainers are a great way to hire a coach/trainer without the high price tag that online personal training programs can come with. With a few small changes, when you work with the right weight-loss coach you will notice results almost instantly.

4. You have an unhealthy relationship with food

This one is very close to my heart as a recovered binge-eater. What has become clear to me is the number of other people who maybe don’t call what they have an “eating disorder” but they call it an unhealthy relationship with food. When we have this unhealthy relationship with food, it might be difficult for you to control your diet effectively. A weight-loss coach who has experience working with clients in your mindset can help you. Life is for living, not for dieting. You can still achieve your weight-loss goals without giving up carbs, burgers, beers and chocolate. Change your relationship with food to become a healthy one, I promise you it will be the best thing you can do not only for your physical health but your mental health.

5. You can’t lose weight even though you have all of the information

A quick internet search will give you everything you need to know when it comes to nutrition and fitness right? I disagree. There are so many sources available both online and offline that it almost becomes information overwhelm. This can cause us to stop and start multiple different things which more often than not leads to that feeling of failure. Fix this with the assistance of a weight-loss coach to see results that last.

6. You have hit a plateau

Have you reached a point where everything has just become stagnant, and you are not proceeding forward? You are making efforts, following a quick weight loss diet plan and weight loss exercise routine that “should work” but nothing is changing? There may be some other factors to consider and this is where hiring an expert will be beneficial.

Losing weight isn’t easy. Humans are complex. The books, internet searches, podcasts and social media accounts can be great tools to help you achieve your weight-loss goals but when you have hit a plateau a professional fitness and nutrition coach will be able to identify why so you can make the changes you are after.

What does a weight-loss coach do?

A great weight-loss coach will use their expertise to show you the techniques so you can lose weight, and keep it off. One of the priorities that your fitness and nutrition coach should have is the skills to show you how to deal with the causes of over-eating.

Pro tip: Do some research before hiring a fitness and nutrition coach as there are no governing bodies to check overall coaches certifications. I am certified with Precision Nutrition and have had years of working with 100’s of clients around the world who have experienced incredible transformations.

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Are you ready to try something completely different when it comes to exercise for weight loss? Join me, one powerful group of women on one transformation adventure in the next 8-week weight loss program. Apply here. Spaces limited. 

Stay strong. Be the fire.


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