Warming up when you are working out isn’t a mythical thing that you should do, you know, that trainers make you do just for the sake of it; it’s the most important thing that you should do when it comes to starting your workout, any workout. Warming up is important so you can get through your workout in one piece, perform your best and recover fast!

Fitness fanatics around the globe will tell you that the best way to stretch is to find a workout that incorporates it. A great workout that focuses on stretching is pilates, if you have ever considered becoming a certified instructor, you can learn more here, another great workout that incorporates stretching is yoga, a great addition to any routine that will improve your strength, balance and flexibility.

There are so many things that you can do in terms of fitness but it’s vital that you work on warming up first - and here’s why:


  1. You’re going to raise your body temperature. A great warm-up will ensure that you increase your body and muscle temperature, and that will allow you to perform the exercises with ease. You need oxygen to be released into your bloodstream and you need your heart muscles to be prepared to take the strain of your workout. For that, you need a warm up to take place first before you dive in!

  2. You’ll reduce the injury risk. No one wants to tear their muscles when they exercise - we are often trying to strenghten our muscles, not damage them! If you want to avoid an injury when you work out you need to make sure that all of your muscles are adequately stretched and ready to use. You need to be able to go through some simple warmup exercises if you want to move freely and smoothly when you are about to work out. 

  3. You’ll feel more mentally prepared. Jumping into a new routine can be dangerous when you aren't adequately warm as you’ll be affected mentally as well as physically. During a warm up you can get yourself ready for a workout and prepare yourself mentally for what is ahead. Get your head in the game, I promise it'll feel good.

  4. You’ll be more flexible. When you stretch and warm up, you will increase your flexibility and the way in which you perform your exercises in your work out. You will then have improved performance and you can be much more flexible with your range of motion. Warming up will give you so many opportunities to improve your performance and you will feel good about your workouts, too.

  5. You’ll be able to tackle the bigger machines. Are you finding it hard to build muscle? Often, increasing to bigger machines or heavier weights can be scary, but when you are properly warmed up you can be prepared to give those brand new moves or heavier weights your best shot.  

Your warm-up should be as comprehensive as your workout and you need your body to feel good as a result of it.

Take your time to plan your warm-up just as you would anything else and you won’t regret what you put into it.

Make your warmup work for you and you can maximize your workouts in whole new ways. 


We teach women how to take things that seem impossible and turn them into things that are possible. If your warm-up currently isn’t happening, let us help!

Right now we are taking reservations for our 8-WEEK-PROGRAM, and if you sign up we will get you started today with some light warm-ups and work outs so you can show the rest of the program how amazing you are. We will support you every step of the way.


