Why Start Jiu-Jitsu as an AdultSaved to Drive

When you think about doing a team sport, most people consider doing that when they are children. It automatically comes to mind because when you're a kid, your parents get you involved in all kinds of hobbies, including athletics. Karate is one of those sports that kids get involved in to learn precision, control, how to manage their emotions and how to communicate better with a teammate. Karate is not a solo sport. Although you can practice alone, it's something that you learn with other people.

As an adult, this is something that you might think is just for kids, but it really isn't.Jiu jitsu is a lenticular new concept for some people, but it could change your life if you let it. As long as you are equipped with the right Kingz gi and you have the right padding in your bag. You should be able to join a jujitsu class and really learn something.It's not about learning to hit hard in the right places, but it's about learning how to ground yourself and learning how to be with other people. Let's take a look at why you should start jiu jitsu as an adult.

To socialize. When you train in a group, you can expand your horizons when meeting new people. The friends you have in other walks of life, such as work or your childhood friends that you grew up with, are still going to be there, but your social circle is expanded when you meet people in jujitsu. Partner practice makes it very easy to bond with others, and you get to know people on and off the Dojo.

  • Achieving set goals. Following through with your goals is a way to find success, but if you don't set those goals in the first place, you're going to struggle. When you focus on jujitsu, you are focusing on progression and getting better at what you are doing.It's vital, then, that you set goals that make sense. Anybody and everybody can quit because it's easy to do so, but you're only going to achieve something if you overcome the odds and keep going even when times are tough.

  • It’s a stress buster. Again, it's not about learning how to hit people, but being able to partner with people and practice the craft together is a brilliant stress Buster. You put all of your energy and effort into the sessions that you do during the week, which means that you're going to spend time learning how to fight other people, or learning how to communicate with other people and learning how to protect yourself while you're doing that. The introspection and the reflection that you gain from it is going to be massive.

  • It's learning how to be in a team. Even adults need to learn how to work as a team, and when you choose to do a class like jujitsu, that's exactly what you gain. Martial arts may be viewed as an individual sport, but no matter how many classes you go to, you won't get anywhere without good training partners. 


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