We are moving into a world where a lot of people are now mostly working from home, which means we are spending lots of periods of time sitting down and not moving enough. Not only that, but the way we sit down tends to lead to a slouch, and the worst thing about that is what it does to your spine and your body. By all means, you can work on straightening up and sitting up straight while you work, but that may not actually be as easy as you think. 

Like anything new, it can come with some discomfort. For example, if you haven’t sat up straight since you were in grade school, you’re going to feel the pain in your spine and your back muscles as it tries to support you in this new position. Posture is the alignment of your body when you are sitting, standing or laying down. There are a lot of interactions that are quite complex and involve the bones, connective tissues, muscles and the nervous system.

What we are seeing more and more is that people are looking into removing the hump behind the neck, which can also be caused by a constant round-shouldered slouch. If your posture is good, then this bump is not going to develop in the first place.

Let’s dive into some of the most helpful tips so you can understand why your posture is so important and what you can do about it.


  • You will reduce your lower back pain. Your body is designed to stand in a neutral position. This is where your pelvis, torso and your head are all in a stacked position. When you have good posture you use the correct muscles to keep this position in place, but when you are slouching the muscles are stretched. Correct posture is so simple but it’s a vital way to keep the mini structures in the back and your spine very healthy. Practicing good posture when you’re sitting is especially important to reduce your risk of developing lower back pain.

  • You’ll notice improvements in both digestion and circulation. With good posture, your internal organs will align in the correct way. The proper posture allows your internal organs to sit in the natural position without undue compression. This is especially important when it comes to the digestive system. You can even avoid digestive distress, such as reflux. If you’ve never had reflux, you will notice it right away. To avoid cramping the circulation position, you need to be up straight for it to be correct. 

  • You will breathe easier. Practicing your posture can often increase your lung capacity, so if you ever feel anxious or you struggle to breathe because you’ve been slouched over, then sitting up will really help. Cardio exercises like walking and swimming can also become more accessible because you have improved your breathing and you’re able to cope better when doing these activities. Standing up taller can actually enhance your ability to bring in oxygen by up to 30%.

  • You’re going to feel better overall. Slouching over can lead to round shoulders and a hump in the back of the neck, as mentioned before, you can avoid this if you learn to sit up straight. Taking on exercises such as yoga and Pilates can help you to strengthen your back muscles and improve your posture overall. You’re going to feel so much better about yourself and boost your energy levels at the same time. Properly aligned bones and joints can contribute to the way your muscles function, and that can help you feel much more energetic and less tired.

  • Workouts can become more effective. When you sit up or stand up straight, your workouts are going to be far better. Your improved posture doesn’t just effect sitting and standing, when you’re exercising, probably for some sort of physical or mentla gain, this can be improved by the way you sit or stand. When you head to your workout with the right body alignment, you’re going to be able to lift weights without hurting yourself by causing an injury. Having an engaged core and a neutral spine during the gym, for example, will help to prevent chronic lower pain. You can avoid all of the pain that comes from sitting for extended periods with bad posture if you sit up properly and focus on good posture.

We know it isn’t easy but like anything, the more you are conscious of your posture throughout the day and make simple modifications to improve the poster that you currently have, you can achieve proper posture and improve your health. It doesn’t even have to take very much on your part to do this. If you want to learn more about back pain and how you can treat it, simply make sure that you are adjusting your posture to fit yourself better.

Not sure where to start? Head to this blog and check out our 6 best stretches for lower back pain.

Need help with the pain right now? Join Dunnebells for this 20-minute yoga for back pain video.


