The best travel workouts you can do!

You have a busy lifestyle and when you are travelling you wish you could attend your regular Orange Theory class or Crossfit session. Luckily, in your hotel gym below are some workouts that you can complete so you never feel like you are missing out again!

Travel workout #1

Orange Theory combines cardio with strength training and this can easily be replicated in your hotel gym. Here is your printout that you can take with you to the gym and perform in your own time. 

Orange+Theory+-+Dunnebells (1).jpg

What I recommend is giving this your all. Each and every single day, all we can do is give it out best and if you remain consistent with that, I know you will be successful with reaching your goals.

Travel workout #2

Moving over to those who are seriously missing their Crossfit box and just want to get that WOD in. Try Barbara for 5 rounds and tell me that you don't feel like you are right back at home.


Now you can see that even with your travelling lifestyle, you can still perform your regular workouts in the hotel gyms. Schedule some time in your calendar and stay true to what you commit yourself to. You can do this. 

Working with an Online Personal Trainer is a fantastic way to stay on track with your health and fitness goals even when you have a very busy travelling schedule. Learn more about Dunnebells online programs by clicking here. Fully customized nutrition and workouts for the busy person who feels like they have no time.

Stay strong. Be the fire. Dunnebells.

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