Three reasons protein is important in a balanced diet

With so many choices on our supermarket shelves, as well as household budgets to consider, it can be hard to know what food to choose each week. On top of this, many people struggle to find time to prepare meals from scratch every night, or simply dislike cooking. As a result, we reach for quick dinners like pasta and sauce, microwave rice and pre-cooked chicken or other high carbohydrate options that are filling and relatively inexpensive.

However, it’s really important to consider if you’re meeting your dietary needs on a weekly basis – are you getting enough fruits, vegetables, grains and protein? In this post, we highlight some of the reasons protein is such a vital part of a balanced plate.

It’s important for weight loss

There’s an old idea that someone who wants to lose weight must simply exist off crackersand salad. Luckily, that’s not true. Eating the right amounts and right types of protein has been shown to help you feel fuller for longer, which in turn may be beneficial for losing weight naturally. In addition to this, eating a high amount of protein can boost your metabolism, increasing the number of calories you’re burning – even when you’re sleeping. Experts suggest that a deficit of 500 calories per day is about right for sustainable weight loss.

Note that the type of protein you eat matters – it’s not all good. Aim for lean or low-fat options, or seafood that is high in omega-3 fatty acids. Everyone can also benefit from including vegetarian and vegan options such as beans, peas, lentils, nuts, seeds and soy in their diet, even if it’s just once a week. Not only are they typically lower in fat, they often have a lower carbon footprint.

Your body needs it to repair and rebuild

Proteins consist of amino acids, the building blocks of the body. These blocks can be used for energy, but also to make muscle tissue, bone and even enzymes or hormones – in short, they’re essential for daily functioning. Your body is a working machine that is constantly evolving, and it needs this fuel to help it keep going as it should. Because of this, getting the right amount of protein is particularly important for children, teens and pregnant women.

The body is clever enough to produce 11 of these amino acids itself, but the other nine that you need have to come from your food. Varying your protein choices will also help you get other nutrients such as B vitamins, magnesium, iron and zinc.

PH regulation

The PH level in your body is something that you’ve probably never given a thought to, but maintaining a constant PH of between 7.35 and 7.45 is essential for your health – although certain different parts of the body do operate at different levels. If your PH isn’t in the right range, your body will automatically try to correct it to keep you in homeostasis. Eating foods that are high in iron will boost your hemoglobin, a protein that helps your body generate red blood cells. These cells act as a buffer to protect your PH level, keeping things stable.

Make room for healthy eating in your day

Taking the time to ensure you’re generally eating the right amount of protein and other essential parts of a healthy diet is really important. If you live a busy life, look at meal planning as a tool for reducing prep time and saving money.


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