Dunnebells Dunnebells

4 Tips on Reducing Stress for a Higher Quality of Life

Stress is one of the biggest problems facing people today. On top of stress feeling like a total mental battle you have to face and something that makes you miserable at times, it can also cause all sorts of health problems.

Everyone has stress that is common and everyone has stress that is unique to just them. Your stress is valid, and so are you.

Here are four practical things you could start implementing today to reduce some of that stress

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Kelsi Dunne Kelsi Dunne


One step at a time, we want to shine a light on the parts of ourselves that are amazing. We want to help others see themselves in a new light. Hopefully, this April (and in months and years to follow) we will allow women to feel safe enough to bring their true selves to the table.

Our MENTAL HEALTH CHALLENGE has been designed with busy people in mind. No one is sitting around these days just wondering what to do with all their free time - hoping that their trainer develops a mental health challenge. That's simply not the case. We’re all busy, in some way or another, and that's why we’re excited to launch this challenge.

It all starts with believing that you’re worthy and giving yourself the space to be worthy.

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