Kelsi Dunne Kelsi Dunne


It's spring for most of you, over there in North America and from my own experience, I know that this time of year holds so much excitement and hope.

Things are melting, wildlife is appearing, and the sun is out for longer than what seems like a few hours.

I believe that this is a great time to make some small, but mighty changes to your eating habits!

What I mean by ‘Spring Cleaning Your Eating Habits’ is this - saying goodbye (for now, anyway, if that makes you feel better) to your eating habits that ultimately aren’t making you feel the best. There's nothing wrong with your eating habits, but there's always a way to be a little bit better.

As always, we're never striving for perfection (this is hard for me to wrap my head around too, but I'm learning) we're simply striving to be better to ourselves in any way possible.

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