Kelsi Dunne Kelsi Dunne


If you’re a human who has a menstrual cycle and also enjoys eating food, we’re here to help you discover foods that can work for you (not against you) while you’re bleeding.

During different phases of your cycle, it’s important to take care of yourself in unique ways because your body needs different things.

It’s not easy to do sometimes, but it can make all the difference.

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Kelsi Dunne Kelsi Dunne

To workout while on your period, or not?

Science proves that you should continue on with your exercises even when you’re bleeding (menstruating) and Dunnebells is aware that we all KNOW this to be true - it IS pretty common knowledge.

However, we also know that women on their periods want to be heard, they want to be right, and they want to feel like they’re making their own decisions. So, if that means NOT working out because ‘you just don’t want to’ or because ‘your boobs are so huge that the last thing you would want to do is shove them in that ridiculous sports bra that you’ve had for twelve years’ - then good, don’t work out!

The key thing is knowing what your limits are.

Join us as we dive into all the reasons why you should work out while on your period, as well as why maybe taking a step back and giving space to the reasons why you shouldn’t, too.

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