Overcoming Exercise Anxiety

Exercise anxiety – it's an all-too-common phenomenon. It can rear its head as a fear of being judged at the gym, worry about not being able to keep up in a fitness class, or the feeling of dread that arises at the thought of starting a workout routine. For many, exercise anxiety can be a significant barrier to maintaining an active lifestyle. But fret not! With some practical strategies and a positive mindset, you can overcome exercise anxiety and reclaim the joy of movement.

So let’s dive in.

Start small

I don’t know about you, but we find one of the biggest sources of exercise anxiety is the idea that you have to take on extreme workout routines right from the start. Remember, every fitness journey begins with a single step. Start with manageable exercises that you enjoy and gradually increase your intensity and duration. This approach helps build confidence and establishes a routine, making the process less daunting.

Find the right fit

Not all exercise has to happen in a gym or a high-intensity boot camp. There are countless ways to stay active, from hiking and dancing to yoga and swimming. We recommend that you experiment with different activities to find what you enjoy most. When you love what you're doing, it doesn't feel like a chore, and the anxiety often lessens.

Set realistic goals

Setting unattainable goals can lead to anxiety and a sense of failure. Instead, focus on realistic, measurable, objectives. This could be as simple as walking for 30 minutes a day or attending two fitness classes a week. Celebrate each achievement, no matter how small, and use these victories to propel yourself forward.

Consider a workout buddy

Having a friend by your side can make the workout experience more enjoyable and less intimidating. You can support and motivate each other, making the process feel more like a social activity rather than an obligation. Plus, it's harder to skip a workout when someone else is counting on you! Ideally, your workout buddy should be at around the same level as you so you can push each other on without getting discouraged.

Get some professional help

If exercise anxiety is providing really difficult for you, you might want to find a counselor about the issue, and hiring a personal trainer to help you with your workouts could be a good idea. They can ensure you are able to exercise safely and be there to help you out, so you will feel less anxious overall.

Be kind to yourself

Last but certainly not least, remember to be kind to yourself. Everyone has their own fitness journey, and comparing yourself to others can only fuel anxiety. Recognize that everyone at the gym started somewhere and that it's OK not to be perfect. Remember, the aim is progress, not perfection.

Exercise anxiety is a very real challenge, but with patience, persistence, and a positive attitude, it's a challenge you can overcome. Your workout routine should be a source of joy and fulfilment, a celebration of your body's capabilities. So go ahead, conquer your fears, and embrace the beautiful journey to fitness.

Need a little extra support? Join the Dunnebells 8-week program today!


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