Common Mistakes New Gym-Goers Make

Deciding to join a gym is one of the best — and easiest — decisions anyone looking to improve their life can make. After all, there are just so many benefits that can come from working up a sweat. 

However, it would be wrong to think that mental and physical benefits will come just because you have a gym membership. It’s what you do with the membership that counts. And unfortunately, many new gym-goers make mistakes that can hinder their progress — or ensure that there’s zero progress. 

In this post, we’ll run through a few of the common errors people make, as well as offer advice on how to avoid them. 

Waiting for Inspiration 

If you’re waiting until you’re really ready to hit the gym before you decide to go, then it’s unlikely that you’ll see any benefits. Why? Because inspiration is fickle. Being motivated to work out once a week won’t yield any results. Success in the gym depends on your ability to go even when you’re not motivated. The solution? Try and commit to a timeline. For example, commit to going three times a week. Once it’s in your schedule it’ll just be something that you do, rather than something you just do every now and again. Start small and build on how frequently you visit the gym.

Sticking to Basic Machines

You can get why people stick to the basic weight machines in the gym. They’re the easiest thing to use since there’s really only one way to use them. However, while using some weight machines can be beneficial, as a general rule you’ll want to stick with free weights and the other equipment you’ll find in that area. These can be much more effective, so you’ll be able to get much more from your workout compared with if you just use the standard machines. You can speak to a personal trainer to guide you through some free weight exercises and get the benefits of these movements.

Forgetting the Other Half 

The effects of your exercise will depend partly on what you do in the gym, and partly on what you do outside of the gym. Specifically, what you consume. If you’re trying to build muscle, then it’s essential that you give your body what it needs to build those muscles effectively. Some people use Clomid for men, while others make sure they have a protein milkshake as soon as they finish their workout. With the right supplements, you’ll notice that results come your way much more quickly. 

Failing to Progress

It won’t be long before you’ve gotten used to being in the gym. At this point, it’s important to actively work on progress. You won’t see great results if you’re sticking to light weights, so be sure to gradually step things up. On the other hand, make sure that you are starting gradually. You might want to lift those heavy weights, but if you’re new to the gym, then you’ll only run the risk of injury if you lift before you’re fully ready. 

Finally, remember that results don’t happen overnight. It’ll take a month or two before you see the difference, so be patient and good luck! 


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