How To Lose Weight Fast - Golden Rules To Maintain Your Health

This is one of the most common questions asked every single day. What I need you to remember is that there is no magic pill that makes people think. If it exists, then in return you’ll, unfortunately, experience numerous negative side effects. My approach here is to present you with a drug-free and more natural plan and quick weight loss diet plan which can result in a sustainable way for you to lose weight faster.

First thing first, weight loss does not require your undivided attention day and night, it just needs your proper attention and a bit of planning and scheduling around your diet goes a long way. I recommend you to take small steps toward a realistic goal as it will help to stick with the plan long-term to get a lean and mean body.

Please understand that losing weight is not just about eating less or moving more. You have to take care of your mental health and stress levels. Being positive and mindful will definitely help you to enjoy this journey.

Are you ready? Buckle up. Here we go with the simple and sustainable ways I recommend you start to lose weight fast during 8 week weight loss program!



Aim to drink half your body weight in ounces of water daily to help boost your metabolism. Drinking this much water also can act as an appetite suppressant reducing those strong urges to snack all day and night. Drinking more water helps your body stop retaining water, leading you to drop those extra pounds of water weight too.



This isn’t about restricting and eating under 1200 calories a day ladies. What we are looking at here is the idea to try your best to reduce the calories that are empty, not even making you feel full (like candy). What I recommend doing here is taking a look at the nutritional content of your food and try your best to swap a few things out with foods that hold a lot of nutritional content (like vegetables). If you are feeling hungry between meals, try your best to have some protein loaded snacks on hand to hold you over until your next meal.



A lot of regular sodas contain a large amount of sugar and calories while adding no other nutrition to your quick weight loss diet plan. Switching out your regular soda for something like soda water will help you lose weight.



First of all, it’s important to understand that not all fat is bad. Healthy fat can actually help to control your weight so consider introducing some of these sources via avocados, seeds, nuts, tofu, soy milk, and fatty fish. These healthy fat sources can also help you feel full.

Here is what I see happening over and over again though which is actually doing more damage than good when it comes to weight loss. We often make the mistake of going for the “fat-free” option which usually means the food is loaded with sugars and refined carbohydrates. These fat-free foods have to make up for the loss of taste and the importance of having real fat, so they are loaded with fillers that your body doesn’t know how to process.



Finally talking about what cutting carbs actually means and how it can be important around losing weight fat.

When you eat a meal, carbohydrates from the food enters your bloodstream in the form of glucose. Then to keep your blood sugar levels in check, your body always burns out this glucose before it burns off fat from a meal.

When we look at some of the foods we eat that are rich in carbohydrates, for example, bread, your body releases insulin to help with the surging of all this glucose into your blood. This can cause an imbalance, especially in the fat-storing hormone. This can result in your body not being able to burn fat whereas some people will find reducing carbohydrates will help blood-sugar levels stabilize, resulting in an increase of fat burn ultimately promoting weight loss.

To take this a step further here is some information about insulin and carbohydrates. This insulin plays two roles, it prevents your fat cells from releasing to burn as fuel (because its priority is to burn off the glucose) and then it creates more fat cells for storing everything that your body can not burn off. That is the reason why your body requires more fuel to burn bat, and as a result, you eat more and can gain more weight.

You don’t have to cut carbs completely to lose weight, consider reaching for good sources of complex carbohydrates and pairing them with good sources of protein, leafy greens and dairy products.



The ultimate answer when it comes to how to lose weight fast is in the concept of calories in, calories out. I am a believer in we cannot out-train a bad diet, but I am also a believer in moving our bodies! We don’t have to strive for 10,000 steps per day. Simply try to move your body with intention every single day. Take note of how you feel, how your body responds and remember it doesn’t always have to be about an intense HIIT workout. A walk is also very effective.



A lot of research states that sleeping less than the 7 hours— desired amount —  per night can slow down your metabolism. So underestimate the power of having a good sleep.



Eating with mindfulness is a practice to pay attention to while eating.  This consciousness can enable people to enjoy what they are eating and how it feels like being in the present moment.  It is helping to maintain a healthy weight. Often, the biggest change you’ll notice when eating mindfully is how full you feel instead of watching TV while consuming food that you are not actually needing or wanting. Example: Remove distractions when rating. Sit down with your meal and chew slowly. Sounds simple, but I can guarantee we are all guilty of not eating as mindfully as we should be.


Why did you start? Why do you want to lose weight? Get this written down somewhere and get it in front of you every single day. Whenever you feel like giving up, go back to this and ask yourself why you started?

Trust me, if you truly know the reason then, you are ready to do this and nothing can stop you either. I believe that you have got that purpose to keep recharging your motivation. It doesn’t have to be there all the time, but if you keep going you’ll blow yourself away.


The best way to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight is to have a balanced diet, consider looking closely at the carbs and fats you car consuming, drink some more water, move your body a little bit more, prioritize sleep and do your best to stay motivated!

Are you ready to try to lose your weight in just a few weeks? Join the powerful group of women on one transformation adventure where we focus on strength training and nutrition and make sure to include resources to overcome binge eating.

Stay strong. Be the fire.


Foods to Include In Your Quick Weight Loss Diet Plan - Dunnebells


Healthy smoothie recipes for weight loss that also help with binge eating